Sunday, April 18, 2010

Brain Pop Movies


Tobacco is the main ingredient of a cigarette. The addictive chemical inside a cigarette is nicotine.Your lungs take in oxygen and take out carbon dioxide. Smokers who try to play sports develop shortness of breathing and cramps. The color of a smoker's lung is more likely to be black.Tar is a carcinogen that covers a smokers lung. Smoking causes straight away symptoms of coughing and bad breath. emphysema, cancer,and heart attacks are the long term illnesses that are associated with smoking. It is difficult to quit smoking because of the nicotine inside the cigarette. Smoking can cause a deadly disease which is lung cancer.


Asthma is a common condition for the lungs. An asthma attack is similar to a heart attack because they both usually involve the constricting of an interval vessel. The direct cause for an asthma attack is swelling and excess mucous in the airways. Inhalers can help people with asthma overcome their attacks. Living close to a smokestack would be dangerous for people who have asthma. Asthmatics should always carry their inhalers with them. Intense anger and stress can cause an asthma attack too.

How Do Your Lungs Work?:

When you breathe IN :- Your ribs are pulled up and out by your muscles and the Diaphragm is pulled down by your muscles by making the chest volume bigger. You breathe in Oxygen

When you breathe OUT :- Your muscles relax when you breathe out and also your diaphragm releaxes and the chest volume gets smaller and you breathe out Carbon Dioxide.

Respiratory System Worksheet

2. Pharynx - Larynx - Trachea - Bronchi - Bronchioles - Alveoli.

3. Esophagus.

4. The hairs in your nasal cavity that push the dirt into the nose. These hairs are called "Cilia".

a) Bronchioles (c)
b) Palate (d)
c) Trachea (b)
d) Alveoli (a)
e) Epiglottis (i)
f) Pharynx (g)
g) Expiration (h)
h) Diahragm (f)
i) Pleura (e)
j) Tidal Volume (j)

B. The muscles between the ribs contract to move the ribs cranially and laterally
D. The diaphragm contracts and flattens
E. The lungs expand to fill up the space created
A. The air pressure in the air tight pleural cavities decreases
C. Air is drawn down the trachea into the lungs

a) True
b) False
c) True
d) True
e) True
f) False
g) True

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What to food to look at to decide if it's Healthy, or Unhealthy!

What to food to look at to decide if it's Healthy, or Unhealthy!

To decide if a food is healthy or unhealthy you have to look at the number of calories, fat content, salt content, and fiber. For healthy food, you have to eat fruits and vegetables since they have a low number of calorie, they're also high in fiber, and low fat content, and have no salt content. But to replace this, they are extremely high in vitamins; which are essential for a healthy diet.

The Mouth

The Mouth

Saliva begins in your mouth as soon as you smell,taste or even think about food. When you eat food, the saliva breaks down a little bit of the chemicals of the food and make it easier to go through the esophagus. Your tongue helps by pushing the food around while you're chewing with your teeth. When the food is all ready to be swallowed, your tongue pushes a small piece of chewed food, which is usually called bolus, towards the back of your throat and into the opening of the esophagus where the second part of the digestive system process takes place.

Parts of the Digestion System!

The Digestive System : -


1. Mechanical digestion – making food into small pieces easier digest

2. Saliva – chemical digestions carbohydrates sugar

Amylase rice and bread

Slimes, food slide down the esophagus


Squeezes your food down to stomach.


1. Mechanical digestion – churning food

2. Stores food

3. Chemically digest protein – meat

- Makes acid to help break apart protein (meat)

- Enzyme pepsin

Small Intestine:

Fats – bile from liver/ enzyme lipase

Proteins - finished being digested – pepsin

Carbohydrates – finished being digested enzyme amylase

Digested food protein, carbohydrates, fats go into your blood


1. Makes all of your digestive enzymes that go into the small intestine

2. Makes insulin which causes your cells to suck up the sugar in your blood


1. Makes bile, which goes to the small intestine to help digest fat

2. Filters your blood

Large Intestine (Colon):

  1. . Stores undigested waste food
  2. Absorbs all your water